Transformers the Movie (TFTM) made in the year 2007 has brought Transformers back in to the main stream. Of course it is not without controversy, name calling or mud sling between Transformers fan. The Transformers fans is divided between the G1 purist and non purist.
What was transpired then, has actually breath a new life in to the Transformers fandom. The Leader Class Optimus Prime was indeed the pinacle of Transformers toy. Although it is lack of accuracy to the actual Movie Optimus Prime. It was indeed a Transformers toy that every Transformers fan wish to have.
With the new movie a new Leader Class Optimus Prime were released. Which one of the Leader Class Optimus Prime is better.
Although in both Transformers Movies, Optimus Prime is having the same designed. But the Leader Class Optimus Prime is 2 different design in the TFTM toyline and the ROTF toyline. Though both toys transforms into a Semi Truck.

Due to the difference transformation of both toy, there is slight difference in the Truck mode. For TFTM Leader Class Optimus Prime, the legs and the chest is formed as the part for the Semi Truck cabin, the arms is stored at the back of the cabin, also forming the back of the Semi Truck.
Whereas, ROTF Leader Class Optimus Prime the upper part of the Semi Truck cabin and and the upper park of the back wheels is Optimus Prime upper body, the rest forms Optimus Prime legs.
TFTM Prime in truck mode is about 5mm shorter than the ROTF version.

The other difference is the sound electronics, the TFTM Optimus Prime is having activation button at the top of it SemiTruck cabin. The electronic sound is a truck horn, with golden yellow LED lights blinking at the front screen of the cab.

ROTF Leader Class Prime SemiTruck mode, gives sound of roaring engine with red LED emitting blinking light at the front screen of the cab. The button is located at the back of the cabin.

In terms of weight, the TFTM Optimus Prime is heavier than the ROTF counter part. Both the detailing of the Truck mode is different. Some part uses different material.

The TFTM wheels are made of real soft latex. The ROTF wheels are mode of hard PVC or plastics and it is slightly smaller.

The shape of the TFTM SemiTruck is more blockier than the ROTF.

Anatomically, the Truck mode of TFTM Optimus prime is more fat and blocky feel to it.

Without checking the underside of the SemiTruck, TFTM Optimus Prime has exposed its robot component, the gun is stow at the back of the semi truck with the barrel pointing to the back of the semi truck. For ROTF Optimus Prime, the only robot exposing part is the underside of the SemiTruck.

But the ROTF alt mode is Leader Class Prime pelvic part is exposed at the back of the Semi Truck. The back bumper is ROTF Prime robot butt.

However, in terms of details each of the toy alternate mode has its on beautiful detailing though they have their differences.
In the ROTF toy, the designer has made many effort to make Optimus Prime robot mode harder to detect. Or it would simply means they have try to improve the 2007 Autobot leader design to more closely resembles the screen accuracy.
The smoke stacks in Revenge of the Fallen toy is in 2 pieces. The Transformer movie 2007 counter part is only 1 piece.

Perhaps the attempt is to make the convoy leader to be a creator grade toy while maintaining is durable playability. Though the ROTF Prime or Convoy is less durable than the TFTM counter part. It is due to the fact there are more parts and the ROTF is more complex toy as well as complex transformation.

Where the TFTM Optimus Prime fuel tank is literally the place for battery to power the electronics. The ROTF fuel tanks is just aesthetics. Though the Buster Prime version, it will becomes the blaster or a gun.

However, the Autobot insignia of TFTM is better than the ROTF counter part.

From a quick glance, no doubt that ROTF Leader Class Optimus Prime beats TFTM Leader Class Optimus Prime hands on in term of aesthetics.
However, a closer comparison is needed to compare, the details , feature wise and articulations. The main different is in the Transformers Movie 2007, the marketed gimmick is automorph and the current one is Mech Alive.

A test and comparison is not enough without testing the articulation.

Legs articulation for both robot is similar, the only different is ROTF prime can bend its knee to make avian like legs.

Due to the Transformation of TFTM Prime, the elbow are double jointed, giving it extreme articulations. ROTF Prime elbow can only bend at 90 degrees, and due to the long energon sword, it has severely hindered the articulations of ROTF Prime.

Another road block for ROTF Prime is lacking of articulated digits at the hand. Where the TFTM Prime has 5 articulated fingers. Though the wrist is not able to articulate and twist in the TFTM but the ROTF has twist articulation at the fist.
It is easily determine that the TFTM Prime have the best articulation in robot mode.
The robot head of ROTF maintain better screen accuracy. However, it is worth mentioning that both version of the robot head had good detailing to it.

The details of the chest is astonishing for the ROTF, it is a few notch up compared to the TFTM Prime. This chest is actually the feature of the mech-alive and auto morph. The trigger remains at the same position. However, the difference is auto morph is used to complete Optimus Prime transformation with electronic sound with yellow lights blinking at the eyes and chest.
For Mech-Alive, Prime chest will move upwards like inhaling chest action, followed with voice “I am Optimus Prime”. With yellowish gold LED at the eyes and red blinking LED lights inside the chest. A side note, the gears in the chest move when the Mech-Alive lever is pulled.

From the back of the Robot Mode, ROTF Prime again best TFTM Prime hands down on movie and on screen accuracy.

The leg details of ROTF is better than the TFTM, it only lose to TFTM from lack of Auto-Morph. The TFTM Prime foot hasa Auto-Morph feature. But I can live without Auto-Morph for better details.

The final verdict, the ROTF Optimus Prime clearly dominate TFTM Optimus Prime in terms of aesthetics and accuracy portrayal of Movie Optimus Prime.
However, in terms of playability wise and possibility is where TFTM Optimus Prime shines.
To compensate for lack of articulation ROTF Leader Class Prime as it has ability to combine with ROTF Leader Class Jetfire and it has complex transformation.
For individual that prefer aesthetics and movie accuracy, ROTF Prime is definately the best toy at the moment.
Until the next post. Thank you for reading.

Yes! I have been waiting for this review, great as always! Your reviews are spot on.
@TCracker: Thank you glad you like it. As long as reader as well as viewer like it I will be happy
Seems like the new is more detail and more movie like