Making the Bandai EG Grade Nu Gundam complete with Fin Funnels

Box art of EG Nu Gundam

This is a nice kit that gives a very basic Nu Gundam at scale 1/144. Unfortunately, it does not come with the fin funnels.

Bandai do recommend the HG 1/144 Nu Gundam fin funnels are compatible with the EG Nu Gundam. Nope, am not getting another kit to make the EG Nu Gundam.

By scouring the internet, discovered that there are reproduction kits at marginal price.

The reproduction Nu Gundam kit, not from Bandai

To be honest, before buying this EG kit, I was making research on the internet if there are any possibility to get Fin Funnels without buying the HG Nu Gundam or the HGUC Nu Gundam.

Since at the time this Kit was bought, it is a proof that completing the EG Nu Gundam with complete fin funnels at the right scale is possible.

Firstly, the EG Nu Gundam has 4 runners, an instruction booklet and a piece of stickers.

EG Nu Gundam Runner A1
EG Nu Gundam Runner A2
EG Nu Gundam Runner B
EG Nu Gundam Runner C
EG Nu Gundam Instructions Booklet

Multi colors runner allow the kit to look good with minimal painting. The effort that I have put into this are generally painting the eye for the head. Lastly, adding panel lining.

EG Nu Gundam parts for the head
EG Nu Gundam head half way assembled
EG Nu Gundam Head fully assembled
EG Nu Gundam body front
EG Nu Gundam body fully assembled
EG Nu Gundam assembling leg unit
EG Nu Gundam leg unit assembly complete
EG Nu Gundam ready to be assembled
EG Nu Gundam kit completed assembly

EG Nu Gundam kit upon completing assembly does not look like a complete Nu Gundam.

Hence, additional add on were purchased to make EG Nu Gundam complete with Fin Funnels. Unfortunately, the reproduction kit requires alot of filing as all the parts of the reproduction kit are does not fit easily.

Therefore, the time taken to build the Fin Funnels takes longer time than building the EG Nu Gundam.

Reproduction HG Nu Gundam runners
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam runner B
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam runner C
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam runner D
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam runner E
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam runner F

The reproduction kit, the quality of plastics varies for some runners

Reproduction HG Nu Gundam instruction sheet
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam instruction on how to combine the fin funnels
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam assembling fin funnels
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam, assembling funnels with markings on the connectors making assembly more systematic and orderly
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam assembly of fin funnels and hyper bazooka completed
Reproduction HG Nu Gundam fin funnel are ready to be attached to back pack of EG Nu Gundam
EG Nu Gundam with the reproduction Fin Funnels.
EG Nu Gundam with Fin Funnels with panel lining
EG Nu Gundam with Fin Funnels with panel lining back view
EG Nu Gundam with Fin Funnels with panel lining highlighting the Fin Funnels
EG Nu Gundam with Fin Funnels with panel lining Fin Funnels side
EG Nu Gundam with Fin Funnels with panel lining side view
EG Nu Gundam with Fin Funnels with panel lining front view

EG Nu Gundam with Fin Funnels without breaking the wallet is possible but there is a lot of investment of time needed to file the parts to form the Fin Funnels correctly. Worth it or not YMMV (Your Mile May Vary).

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