Joining the GCPBoleh Season 6 for swags

GCPBoleh S6 (

Never know how to respond to learning rate, had learned from my mentor many years ago that its undeniable that when we reaches 30s or above the rate of learning new things will drop. Just know from experience using AWS, am able to blaze through 3 subjects that will take many hours.

In cloud computing, its hard to determine if one is an expert. Depth and breadth of Cloud services are too vast. Whenever, I hear a person confidently says he is an expert, red flags are raised.

From 3 days of the GCPBoleh season 6, which was introed by my staff, it is an interesting rediscovery that GCP is no longer a SaaS focused service. Unlike in the 2010s, AWS is the defacto leader for IaaS, MS Azure for the PaaS and GCP is definately SaaS competing with Heroku.

Other than relearning terminology used, how managed cloud services are implemented, and re-familiarization of the web console. I no longer see there is any difference between AWS, Azure and GCP.

Cloud computing are just our-sourcing most of IT Operations, and some middleware/framework to a 3rd party vendor. I do agree with my counterpart now that not everything can be cloudify.

Application beyond the HP way of management by walking around

HP management by walking around is a still relevant concept for front line, middle line and higher management to understand daily operations of the company.

It provides an opportunity for employers and employees to engage better in the workplace.

An unspoken morale of the company and trust level of the company be observed by how willing employees are able to decorate their cubes to feel more at home.

For the initiated, such vibrant and diverse decoration allows personnel in the organization to understand at a more personal level. This has potential to build and promotes trust amongst colleagues at different layers of the organization.

Seasoned corporate citizens could use cues from decorations as an ice breaker. Or finding out persons in organization that may have similar contact with you.

Though one must be cautioned, due to increase heightened sense of privacy and need of personal space, do use wisdom when using such methods.

Diverse or vibrant way of decorating one’s cube are in direct contraction to practitioners of Six Sigma though.