– VirtualBox 7.0.14
– Vagrant 2.4.1
– Windows 10 or better OS
– 16GB RAM (10GB RAM are required for creating ElasticSearch with kibana; 1GB and 2 x ElasticSearch node; 4GB each, rest of the RAM for VM host OS)
There are 2 layers of virtualization, first the Virtual Box, then the docker engine running in the Virtual Box VM running on Ubuntu 20.04 focal.
Orchestration used in the host OS level; Windows 10 are the hashicorp vagrant. The vagrant is used to configure the VM Ubuntu OS to be configured to run properly configured docker and Ubuntu 20.04.
Then docker compose v2 are used to create the ElasticSearch 8.12 cluster or stack.
The downside of this example, vagrant up needs to be run initially to configure the VM Ubuntu 20.04 OS. I have yet to discover if Vagrant has the ability to bootstrap grub and configuring the sysctl to allow the docker engine to run properly with the ElasticSearch 8.12 stack.
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