Kotobukiya M.S.G Weapon unit 6; samurai sword and machete

M.S.G weapon unit 6 would make your figure more awesome.


Katana and machete, msg weapon unit 6

The katana is 10cm in length, machete is about 8cm in length. Originally designed to complement the Frame Arms of the Kotobukiya plastic model line or 1/144 scale plastics model. It could be used for voyager class Transformers; on caveat that some modification to the katana and machete pommels.
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Bandai Robot Damashii ARX-7 Arbalest

Arbalest dodging with combat shotgun

Bandai Robot Damashii or Robot 魂 entry for the Full Metal Panic series arm slave ARX-7 Arbalest, perhaps is one of a solid action figure mecha and yet affordable compared to the Alter Mechanical Model ARX-7 from my previous entry.

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SOC GX-31 Voltes V review

Voltes V as far as I know is a Japanese animation made in the 1970s, fall under the Super Robot genre with intriguing storyline. Bandai has finally given Voltes V with Soul of Chogokin treatment. What attacted me to this toy is not because I am a fan of the animation series but it is the details and engineering of this highend collectible toy.

Most part of this robot is made of die case, joints at the shoulders are ratchet joints. Ball joints were used at the legs connected to the pelvic region. Knees are using ratchet joints. Too bad there is no articulation at the waist and chest due to the transfromation mechanism. Head and elbow has very limited articulation too.

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SOC Voltes V preview

SOC Voltes V box front view.

Got this die cast toy many moons ago but did not have a good camera. The box art is conservatively follow any Soul of Chogokin; actual picture of the toy in the front and the back of the box is printed the features of the toy.

SOC Voltes V box back view.

Only manage to snap a few pictures before my camera run out of juice.

SOC Voltes V packed in polyester foam.

Even if you have never watch the cartoon before. Bandai add a card deco on the package with label on vehicles that forms the Super Robot Voltes V.

SOC Voltes V in the package.

More to come in the next up coming post. Stay tuned.

D01 Henkei Megatron review.

Overview of Megatron

Megatron, is one of the early arch-villian type any kid born in the 1980s can relate to. Ruthless, megalomania but with a virtue honor. Of course, a story needs a villian and a hero. Megatron just answered the call.

Takara and Hasbro has reimagined the G1 Megatron and give it a futuristic looking short barreled revolver. At its gun mode it is just fit nicely how a compact modern pistol supposed to fit any adult´s hand. The Henkei version looks better than the Classics Megatron.

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DIA Commander or Powered Commander full review

DIA Commander posing

DIA Commander or Powered Commander is a 3rd party add on to make Henkei Convoy or Classics Prime to be more beefy and intimidating. It is created by FansProject not related with Takara nor Hasbro. Just from Fans to Fans kinda operations.

Not to forget, Henkei Convoy or Classics Optimus Prime sold seperately. You need to have either Henkei Convoy, Classics Optimus Prime or Classics Ultra Magnus to complete DIA Commander.

I got mine after deciding to make my Henkei Convoy more intimidating. Powered Commander is inspired from the City Commander, and add on to Classics Ultra Magnus to reflect its G1 roots. Other than that I do not recall any canon story line of any Transformers that include Powered Commander.

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