Setting up OpenVPN using Amazon Lightsail

1. Download “” GitHub – angristan/openvpn-install: Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
2. Have Amazon Lightsail activated with quota in AWS account.
* Credits to cyberciti for instructions and the scripts introduction Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Set Up OpenVPN Server In 5 Minutes – nixCraft (
3. SSH keypair are created and added into your AWS account.
4. Make sure OpenVPN client is install on your computer OpenVPN Connect – Client Software For Windows | OpenVPN

Creating a Ubuntu AWS instance
1. Click on “Create Instance”

2. Select OS only, and choose your favorite Linux distro, in my case Ubuntu were chosen.
At the time of this blog post created, the openvpn install script works on both ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04

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